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6 benefits of Bokashi

door | 21 oktober 2016


If youre looking for an easy, non-stinky way to manage your food scraps, then Bokashi may be the answer.

Developed in Japan, Bokashi can be translated as fermented organic matter. Food waste is added to an air-tight bucket with an inoculant (which looks a little like sawdust) containing beneficial micro-organisms.

This preserves the food waste like a pickle, preventing odours. It also helps it to break down quickly once added to compost or soil.

Top tip
Like the idea of using Bokashi to take care of your food scraps but dont have a garden? Why not jump on Neighbourly and see if anyone in your community is keen to take your Bokashi pickles for their garden?

Fish and meat, cooked foods, bread, pasta and rice, cheese and eggs can all go in a Bokashi as can fruit and vegetable scraps.

The Bokashi system is made up of two buckets that fit tightly inside each other. The top bucket has holes in the bottom of it. Every time you put the food into this bucket, add a tablespoon of inoculant and squash it all down. A small amount of liquid will drain into the bottom bucket this is an excellent fertiliser.

Six benefits of Bokashi

  1. Once dug into the soil or added to your compost it helps your food waste break down rapidly, releasing the nutrients in two to four weeks.
  2. Bokashi doesn’t take up much space, as fermentation takes place in the bucket. This makes it ideal for offices, apartments and schools.
  3. Buckets can be kept indoors, as the smell is inoffensive and the buckets are air-tight.
  4. It keeps food waste out of the landfill and it improves helpful microbial activity in the soil.
  5. If buried deeply enough, rats or dogs will not be attracted to the Bokashi when its added to your garden.
  6. Meat, fish and odorous food waste (not recommended in other composting systems) can be processed with Bokashi.

Onze Bokashi-sets zijn hier te vinden:

Over Kim

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